Monday, February 5, 2007

The job hunt...

A week ago tomorrow, UGA seniors celebrated 100 Days Until Graduation. Exciting? Yes. Scary? VERY! Somehow the last 3 1/2 years have flown by, and I don't know where the time went.
Graduation means many things, but most importantly, finding a job. Granted, I've not been searching as hard as I probably could be, but after talking to recent PR graduates and some professors, they say that many agencies can't determine now what will be available in May or June...some comfort but also a little nerve wracking.
I found Warren Allan Johnson's blog post ( about finding your first job in PR and it made me feel a little better about the whole process. Of his six tips, I have successfully done four of them. While I have done a few interviews, I haven't taken advantage of the Career Center's mock interviews which I've heard are very helpful (they film you and show you how you can improve your speaking points, posture, fidgeting - basically anything).
It's good to know that while I still don't have a job, unlike many of those Terry kids out there, I am not completely unprepared! And I'm thinking after all the experience I've gained from this Bateman project, I'll be much better off in selling myself and my skills.

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